Sunday, May 28, 2006


Just watched X-Men 3.




Apparently, its by some new director, Brett Ratner.
Hell, the action in X3 makes MI:3's look like a meniacal pillow fight.

Action Factor: 9.5/10
Character Factor: 9.0/10 (No Gambit...yet.)

Best moment of the film....the 10 second footage after the credits.;)

Saturday, May 27, 2006



Function: adjective
1 : existing in the mind but not immediately available to consciousness : affecting thought, feeling, and behavior without entering awareness.

2 : imperfectly conscious : partially but not fully aware —sub·con·scious·ly adverb —sub·con·scious·ness noun


Example of usage:

Entered a diner 'desert house' with the guys.

Walked out with the desert house cup in my hand.


No kidding.


Total subconsciousness.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Aussie vs Greece

Its official.

Australia def. Greece in MCG.


Some Josip Skoko scored a bloody nice goal.

Other than that,lazy to blog bout the hype and stuff.

Expect rod would write a "expert" review on it sometime later.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Touch of Gold

I may not fancy soccer but......just watch it.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Wah...just read gkho's blog about a really sad story.

Just read it.

Makes you wonder.

The second round of nba post-season has ended.
Woohoo. (More woohoo if cavs qualified)

The verdict:

Heat def. Nets (4-1)

Pistons(bastards) def. Cavaliers (4-3) and a close one at that.

Mavericks def. Spurs(defending champs) (4-3)

Suns def. Clippers (4-3)

Lik,its ok...there's always next year for spurs.=D
Champs dethroned.

Conference finals:

Pistons vs Heat

Mavericks vs Suns

Predicted playoff finals...Mavericks vs Heat.Lol.

Such assholes.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Cavs lost.

This is bullshit man.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


-Played ball at melb uni with chunyik,tianhui,mizan,likhui and rodney.
*skip to interesting part*
The ball was going out of bounds...then rodney ran towards it to keep it in bound so he jumped towards it and pushed it "backwards".*

*Backwards as in slammed it back towards chunyik's jaw...o_O

Don't worry...not serious...wasn't lying on the ground.Everyone else was though...laughing.HAHahahaaAHHA. Hilarious crap.

-Watched davinci code.
Didn't read the book but i'm sure the book was better.
Full of facts...more like documentary.
Not even sure where the climax is.
The ending was cool tho.
My score: 6.0/10

-Tianhui's calculator game really is addictive.
Could use one during Physics lecture.
Bloody hell, got usb cable and can download games.

-When to eat at some eatery with the same bball gang*see above*....everyone ordered food.Tianhui,in particular, ordered some 'Combination Rice'.

And then there was a chubby guy sitting on the next table, closest to tianhui. He finished his food. He got up. He passed through the tables to get to the counter. Before he got to the counter, his ass was level with tianhui's food.
And then....

He farted.

He fcking FARTED.

Lucky his ass wasnt directed at tianhui's food tho. But it was damn close.

Then he nonchalantly said "Sorry".


As if it was routine to fart at people's face.Total facial.Lol.

Wondering why her food was called Combination i know.Lol.

To his defense, tianhui said he burped.
Probably said that to psyche herself so she can finish her food.No brown brown gas...Lol.

I mean, seriously, whose burp sounds like fart?


Saturday, May 20, 2006

da vinci

Cavs Pistons "last" match today.=D

Prolly gonna watch davinci code today.


...The Da Vinci Load.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


San Antonio Spurs vs Dallas Mavericks------(1-3)
Detroit Pistons vs Cleveland Cavaliers-----(2-2)
Phoenix Suns vs Los Angeles Clippers-------(3-2)
Miami Heat vs New Jersey Nets--------------(4-1)

Only one team has been eliminated in the second round.

NJ Nets.

Go Cavs.
Go LeBron.

Global Personality Test Results
Stability (60%) moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Orderliness (53%) medium which suggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun.
Extraversion (46%) medium which suggests you average somewhere in between being assertive and social and being withdrawn and solitary.
Take Free Global Personality Test
personality tests by

Not bad...=D

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy 18th, Kim Hoon.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

physics lec...zzz..

As you've heard from the other melbourne bloggers,life in melbourne is pretty interesting...but not all interesting.

There's stuff thats bloody uninteresting like...

Physics Lecture.


Here's proof for yer ass.=D

Note the uncanny familiarity of the guy on the right. ;)

Also note that the guy sleeping is the same dude.


Lazy to blog bout Big Noise cos Tianhui and Carol already did.=D

Thursday, May 11, 2006


This just in.
God Of War 2.
February 2007.

The vid's enough to cause an orgasm.
In case any of you haven't played the first game,PLAY it.

Better than kingdom hearts.Yes,lik.Lol.
Got higher score than KH also.

8 months and 20 days to go.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

If u have read tian's blog, u'll know that tianhui,erich,likhui and i played bball at melb uni sometime last weekend and this is how it went...

Tianhui wanted to learn how to lay-up so likhui volunteered to teach her...
He said to lay-up, u must use ur left leg to lift off when u jump if u're right handed...or was it left...? Something like that.

But tianhui still didn't get what he's trying to say so likhui decided to demonstrate the basic art of laying-up/lay-upping...

Lik: Watch me...this is how u do it.



Lik:......except that the ball must go in...

Then tianhui's turn came...

She started a few feet away from the hoop,she dribbled forward....held the ball....took the first step with her right foot....another step with the left foot....she soared....lifted the ball high in her right though she were to dunk...flicked her wrist...landed silently like an assasin....looked up at the ball....and then...and then...and then... went in.

Tianhui: Is that how u do it?

Lik drooped his head in shame...showing grave disappointment in his face and shook his head and sighed...

Lik: Tian, can you teach me how to lay-up?


Not true la.

Monday, May 08, 2006


1)Went to eat at nando's during carol's bday and saw a rather interesting food on the menu..."Double Breast Burger"...I would have posted a picture of what my and the-millions-other-red-blooded-males-with-raging-hormones first impression of the burger(think burger with obscene shape and 2 cleverly positioned sesame seeds)...but no,i'm a nice clean person so....

ANYWAY,2nd impression was dat it was perfect for rod's chic boobs(ask chunyik why)

2)Chunyik moved from a AUD$995-a-week Regency apartment to a QV apartment which he bought finished with a 40-inch plasma TV and surround sound.Nice.

3)Cavs lost to Pistons today....T_T

4)Did anyone watched one tree hill finale?
So bloody good.

5)Or smallville?

6)Or MI:3?
Finally a cam cooler than tianhui's digicam.Lol.

7)Big Noise coming up...something like a concert with all the trinitians performing for the Melb Uni students at the Bulpadock...playing brazilian instruments.

Pretty fun but chunyik seemed to dread Big Noise this friday...duno wads so bad about playing music until i found out that he has to do the melbourne shuffle...

Like this..

Chunyik+Melbourne Shuffle= *insert cheap joke here*

Went to youtube just now and searched 'kuching shuffle' and found these dudes...

Chunyik,i think u better go back kuching learn from these dudes first...=D

Yes, he has to 'shuffle' in front of hundreds of uni students.Solo....nice.
Good luck,chunyik..=D

8)Chunyik asked me today..."Why u hardly blog now and when u do,the posts all very short one?"

To which i replied,"Cos u didn't do anything stupid yet."

Sunday, May 07, 2006

2nd round

Nba playoffs has reached the 2nd round already...current results(like any if you cared) =D.

Best of 7 series...

Pistons def. Bucks(4-1)
Cavaliers def. Wizards(4-2)
Nets def. Pacers(4-2)
Heat def. Bulls(4-2)
Spurs def. Kings(4-2)
Mavericks def. Grizzlies(4-0)
Clippers def. Nuggets(4-1)
Suns def. Lakers(4-3)

So the next round matchups are...

Spurs vs Dallas
Clippers vs Suns
Nets vs Heat
Cavs vs Pistons----SHITTT.*

*Shit as in cavs-taking-on-best-team-in-league shit.



Overall: 8.0/10
Gadget factor: 9.5/10
Story: 7.5/10
Great movie with least better than MI:2...=D

J. Abrams must have spent shit loads of money making this film...special effects...fcking cool weaponry...and especially blowing up a sweeeeet orange Lambo Gallardo.

Yea,blown up.

Best actor of the movie...

Philip Seymour Hoffman

Plays as a sadistic manipulative antagonist...good shit.Really good shit.
Big ups for the dude.

Quote of the movie:

"Who are you?
Do you have a wife? A girlfriend?
Whoever she is, I'm gonna find her. I'm gonna hurt her.
And then I'm going to kill you right in front of her."

-Owen Davian(Philip Seymour Hoffman)

Actress of the movie:

Michelle Monaghan


Yea,watch this flick too.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Happy Bday Carol

Happy 17th,Carol.

Still not yet legal in melb.=D

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Just watched CNN just now...and saw nba highlights then i saw this...

Wah,kobe's reaction is so 'unexpected'.Lol.

Then they interview Raja Bell(the clothesliner)...went something like this...

CNN: Why did you pull off a stunt like that in a crucial playoff game?
Raja: Cos he is an arrogant and pompous player.

Then Kobe's(the clostheslinee) interview came...

CNN: What did you think about Bell's act on the court today?
Kobe: Does he know me??


ahahahah,yea gkho,he really said that.

On a side note, i read MX today and saw the front page news...

"Malaysian man aged 33 wedded a 104 year-old woman".


For the record,he claimed his grann....wife was poor,so he wasn't after her money.
This one really unconditional love. Ahahahha.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

To view Kingdom Hearts 2 secret movie...have to:

1)Standard mode...finish Jiminy's journal and lock all worlds.
2)Proud Mode...lock all worlds.


3)Watch youtube.

Paul,u play proud mode for what??

Counting down the years to Kingdom Hearts 3...=D

Monday, May 01, 2006

Really got nothing to post these past few days cos of being so caught up with nba, school work.




....More like nba post-season.Lol.

GKho,have to admit....Kobe is....err...uh,good.In game 4,that is.Ahahah.
Lakers will surely beat phoenix now.