Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Its not that i'm vulnerable that i'm like this. Or is it?
I want it so bad, but how?
When will the door be ajar, or will it stay routine?
Its been okay but maybe i want more?
You may think you know what i'm talking about, or do you?

So many questions, who's gonna give me all the answers?


I'm a wreck aren't i?

Sorry for the cryptic nonsense


Anonymous child traumatic brain injury said...

they say vulnerability is a being weak.. but for me.. if you know your weakness you can be stronger than you've expected..

2:43 PM  
Blogger All said...

Sometimes being cryptic brings out the best words... But it won't give the person the ability to answer all your questions unless you outright say it... That's something I've learned (still learning?) and it's kind of impressive, the difference it can make. Best of luck.

6:25 AM  

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