Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Tony Kho--

There's something weird about the trinity's education system cos...

1)We were shown pokemon cards during HOI(History of Ideas)
2)We discussed a poem about snakes and holes during Lit class...o.O

And yesterday, during EAP(English for Academic Purposes),we watched...

yes, The Simpsons.

Anyway,today at lunch, chunyik wanted to eat domino's again but this time rodney didn't want to order, instead he hid behind a huge pillar...wonder why...
So chunyik ordered and this is roughly how it went...

Chunyik: Can i have a large bbq chicken and bacon pizza?
Cashier: Sure...its $14.40...can i have your name?
Chunyik: Oh,er..chunyik.
Cashier: I'm sorry?
Chunyik: Chunyik.
Cashier: ....*digs ears*...
Chunyik: Chunyik.
Cashier: What...Tony?
Chunyik: Err...ya...

Domino's got some spelling or hearing problem la...first Rodney become Ronie and Chunyik become Tony....-_-"

On the way back to trinity from domino's, we saw a rather interesting workers. One of them was wearing a pair of shorts...nothing more. But it seems like his shorts was really short cos only his bottom half ass was covered...O_o Yes, we could see his half-exposed butt cheeks...and i swear and rodney swear and chunyik/Tony swear that it was the hairiest butt we ever witnessed! So bloody hairy...duno whether he purposely do that to attract the commonwealth tourists...

Anyways, maths 1 lecture was rather interesting cos Chunyik/Tony was discussing about various man-boobs. With graphics. Chunyik banned me from elaborating further...
Oh,he also said that chicken meat---->chicken oestrogen---->chicken boobs.

As introduced by albert, visit Upload a picture with only your face on it and the site will tell you which celebrity you most likely resemble.
Bloody hilarious site.

Disclaimer: Results may be subject to inaccuracy because the site came up with Jay Chou when Rodney's photo was uploaded.

And Clarence was...


Christina Aguilera.

What the hell??!!
Enjoy. =)


Blogger Albert said...

Christina is hot

9:38 PM  
Blogger kelvin said...

so clarence is hot la?

10:13 PM  
Blogger Albert said...

Christina is Hot,
Clarence is Not,


3:18 PM  

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