Saturday, March 11, 2006

Today.. to rodney's tiny place at 12 cos he ask me and chun yik to go shopping with him cos he wanna buy valentines present for ____ .Anyways,waited for rod to hang his clothes and hear him complain bout the amount of clothes he had to hang.

Rod: haiya,so much clothes to hang ar..
me: why u wash so much clothes?
rod: this is one week's worth of clothes...haiya, next time i wash once a month la
me and mizan(his roommate): ....o_O'
rod: oh shit, don put in ur blog ar...later everyone say i'm smelly especially ____
me: ....

Anyway....went to qv to meet up with chunyik and lik then search for rods 'perfect gift'...actually rod wanna buy some guess shirt for her but later decide to go perfume connection at melbourne central to buy perfume as recommended by mr.i-have-6-bottles-of-perfume a.k.a chunyik. after testing a lot of perfume and humiliating ourselves and being laughed at by an old couple, rod decided to buy the britney spears perfume called curious i think. oh,and britney's fantasy perfume sucks...i think its sugar syrup cos it smells so bloody sweet...
after that, wanted to go deanne's new apartment to help her move stuff so we took a tram there...

Rod and Mizan: we don have tram tickets...
me: never mind la, i sometimes don use tram ticket...=P

then we got on..and rod bought his ticket on the tram.

me: eh chunyik,if don have tram inspector,rodney wasting money only..

suddenly this dude came up and said "may i see your tickets?"

Bloody hell!! since when got undercover inspector one! luckily i got ticket ar...if not hafta pay 150 bucks...must be a blessing in disguise..=)

then on the way to deanne's place...

rod:haiz, buy the perfume, no money liaw...have to buy some groceries so can eat at need to go out eat.
chunyik: neh, freeway got groceries...
us: ...???
lik: its safeway la...
chunyik: eh!

after hypothesizing for so long, i realized why chunyik mistaken a grocery shop for a road...


grocery shop..

...cos it looks similar.

Talking bout chunyiks mistake...chunyik also said...

chunyik:do u want to know the experience i had from the start to the beginning?

then after fixing a bed that deanne bought that took us around an hour to assemble,chunyik ask rod to wait for him at the security door cos chunyik wanna go seven eleven to buy something and he needs someone to open the security door for him to enter the building. After waiting long for chunyik...

rod: chunyik, why u take so long?
chunyik: cos the shop is at the end of the street...
me: isnt that a seven eleven? *points across the road*
chunyik: eh!
rod: aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!

after that me ,rod and mizan went gym and thats pretty much what happened.
for the record,rod knocked his waist on a doorknob 3 times...which is seriously painful...must be growing


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