return of the internet quota
Let me tell u all a story about this bright young man i knew since childhood.
I met up with him one day and conversation went pretty much like this.
Me: When are u going back kch?
Bright Young Man: 20th december. Why?
Me: Confirm onot, 20th december?
Bright Young Man: Ya why?
Me: Ohh ok cos im going back 20th december also.
Bright Young Man: Is yours the morning flight also?
Me: Yaa.. oh if liddat then my sis can bring u to airport also.
Bright Young Man: Is it on the way?
Okay enough suspense.
Im sure most of u smart asses would've narrowed it down to either romsey or kchai.
The boy also likes to pump iron.BiggerHeavier than me d.
Watch the syok sendiri video of the boy below.
...u aint seen nothin' from that monster yet..
Wong Lo Kat.
Like the best herbal drink ever.
Thats wad these boyzz were trying to advertise. Definitely not the clothes.
ClothesPortfolio look familiar?
Damnnn, Bong in someone's mum's tanktop is sssmokinnnn'.
Rooney was missed training because he was trying to ambush chunfoo in QV,melbourne.
Ne-Yo's album is like the best album evahhh. not. lol
But still good. hehh
I need help breaking the jinx im apparently having. Something not involving a basketball pls. If not, i cant watch United at verve anymore. ):
Few more hours to freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom.
Til then, time to hit the lecture notes.
I met up with him one day and conversation went pretty much like this.
Me: When are u going back kch?
Bright Young Man: 20th december. Why?
Me: Confirm onot, 20th december?
Bright Young Man: Ya why?
Me: Ohh ok cos im going back 20th december also.
Bright Young Man: Is yours the morning flight also?
Me: Yaa.. oh if liddat then my sis can bring u to airport also.
Bright Young Man: Is it on the way?
Okay enough suspense.
Im sure most of u smart asses would've narrowed it down to either romsey or kchai.
The boy also likes to pump iron.
Watch the syok sendiri video of the boy below.
...u aint seen nothin' from that monster yet..
Wong Lo Kat.
Like the best herbal drink ever.
Thats wad these boyzz were trying to advertise. Definitely not the clothes.
Damnnn, Bong in someone's mum's tanktop is sssmokinnnn'.
Rooney was missed training because he was trying to ambush chunfoo in QV,melbourne.
Ne-Yo's album is like the best album evahhh. not. lol
But still good. hehh
I need help breaking the jinx im apparently having. Something not involving a basketball pls. If not, i cant watch United at verve anymore. ):
Few more hours to freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom.
Til then, time to hit the lecture notes.
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